Nucleo TNC and IC-705

The other day Silvia DM9KS sent me parts and PCB for a NucleoTNC by mobilink. This is a nice option to get QRV in 1k2, 9k2 packet radio or even use it for M19. The original was a breadboard version (see [1]). But the sources for board and firmware are open (see [2]). So after a short soldering session there was a nice board running the latest firmware. A few days later also case and front and back panels arrived and this went into a nice box. The pinout and more is described in an article on [3].

Nucleo TNC board
Nucleo TNC board

So the next thing was to wire this up to the IC-705 radio. The schematic shows that the hardware is capable to control PTT via MIC line and a simple resistor (audio is decoupled using a capacitor). So it is basically just wires from the 3.5mm 4-pin jack of the TNC to 2.5mm 4-pin jack for MIC and 3.5mm 3-pin jack for PHONES. The wiring is here:

Nucleo TNC vs. IC-705 wiring
Nucleo TNC vs. IC-705 wiring

For the 2.5mm 4-pin jack on the IC-705 I used an old headset from Nokia mobiles (type WH-101) and scraped the connector along with some wire.

Nucleo TNC - IC-705 Cable Prototype
Nucleo TNC - IC-705 Cable Prototype

To use this cable with multiplex PTT set the TNC parameters as shown in the picture. These can be configured using a simple Python program (see [4]).

Nucleo TNC Multiplex PTT Settings
Nucleo TNC Multiplex PTT Settings

The rest of the settings can be left at default for a first test. Audio level from the IC-705 can be as low as 5%. Decodes are fine for example in Xastir using it as a KISS TNC.


For multiple serial ports it may be convenient to have an udev rule matching on the serial number of the Nucleo and create a unique symlink pointing to the ttyACMx device. Here is an udev example:

SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{serial}=="12345FFFF12345EEEE111111", SYMLINK+="nucleoTnc"

The serial number can be found with udevadm info:

$ udevadm info -a -n /dev/ttyACM0 | grep serial | head -n 1

